Academic Activities: - B.A. in International Affairs at El Colegio de México. Dissertation title: The United States’ view of the Third World. - M.A. in International Economics and Theory of International Relations at The Johns Hopkins University; School of Advanced International Studies, Washington, D.C. USA. - Awarded a Fulbright Scholarship from the US Congress. ENRIQUE BERRUGA FILLOY2 - Professor of Mexican Foreign Policy, American Foreign Policy and Theory of International Relations at the School of International Affairs at Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). Foreign Service: - Ambassador & Permanent Representative of Mexico to the United Nations. New York, 2003 - 2007 - Deputy Foreign Minister for Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe and the United Nations. 2002-2003. - Deputy Foreign Minister for North American Affairs. 2000 – 2002. - Executive Director. Mexican Institute for International Cooperation. (IMEXCI). 1999-2000. - Ambassador of Mexico to Costa Rica. 1997 - 1999. - Chief of Staff to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. 1993-1997. - Ambassador of Mexico since 1995. - Secretary General for the Mexican Commission to UNESCO. 1994. - Chargé d’Affaires ad hoc at the Mexican Embassy in Ireland. 1991. - Secretary for Political Affairs, Mexican Embassy at the United Kingdom. 1988-1990. - Secretary for Information and Media at the Mexican Embassy in the United States. Washington. 1986-1988. - Career Diplomat since 1984.3 Decorations and memberships: - President. Mexican Council for Foreign Affairs. COMEXI- 2010 - 2012 - Board Member, International Peace Institute. New York, since 2004 - Decorated by the governments of Germany, Spain, Sweden, Japan and Panama. Private Sector: - Vice President of the Mexicans & Americans Thinking Together (MATT) Foundation. San Antonio, TX. 2012- - Deputy Secretary General, Inter-American Conference for Social Security. Mexico City, Oct. 2017- - Vice President for Corporate Relations and Communications. Grupo Modelo, brewers of Corona beer. 2007-2010. - Anchor for TV programs at Efekto Mundial TV network, focused on analyzing international issues. 2011-2013 Published works and journalism: - “Destino los Pinos”, Novel. Editorial Diana, 1982. - “El Martes del Silencio”, Novel. Editorial Patria, 1995. - “Propiedad Ajena”, Novel. Editorial Planeta, 2000. This novel was turned into a film that was presented at the Festival de Cannes. - “La Eternidad no tiene Futuro”. Novela. Editorial Planeta. 2016 - “El American Dream”. Novel. Editorial Planeta. 2017 - “L’Amerique Centrale: Contenir ou ecraser?” en Economie et Humanisme. Lyon, France, 1983. - “Política Interna y Política Exterior”, El Colegio de México, 1985. - “Política Exterior de los Estados Unidos” en ¿Qué son los Estados Unidos? MacGraw Hill, 1996.4 - Regular op-ed writer for El Universal newspaper of Mexico City since 2007.